Dragons Domain MUD 4.2024 Last update of this document 18/3/24 === Preface This document describes features available to the area builder for Dragons Domain MUD. We endeavour to keep it up to date to reflect stable changes in the MUD. It should not be used to document features that are not fully implemented and tested. === Advice to builders Plan your area on paper or using something like https://virtual-graph-paper.com/. Check the MUD to make sure there's not already something similar in place. Map out your area and place mobs and items BEFORE you start writing. Think before you write. If you have questions, read through this document and try and figure it out. If you still have questions feel free to ask one of the imms. Let your imagination run wild, but keep on theme (medieval fantasy hack and slash, for the most part). === Overview of Areas: An area is one piece of the world. Each area is defined in a separate file. All area files have the extension '.are'. Remember the Dragons Domain is a magical, medieval fantasy-based world, where technology is not particularly advanced. === Sections of an Area An area file contains the following sections: #AREA #AREA_SPECIAL #HELPS #RECALL #MOBILES #MOBPROGS #OBJECTS #OBJECT_SETS #ROOMS #RESETS #GAMES #SHOPS #SPECIALS #$ An area is a collection of sections starting with #AREA until the next #AREA. All of our area files (except 'helpfile.are') contain just one #AREA section, which is at the top of the file. === Data Types All of the data in an area file (even the section headers) consists of a series of values. Each value has a specific type. The server parses the file by reading in data values one at a time according to the types it expects. Blank characters (spaces, tabs, new lines, carriage returns) at the beginning of a data value are always ignored (this includes strings). Thus, you can format the area files whatever way suits your taste and your needs. The individual types are: 'letter', 'word', 'string', 'number', and 'to_eol'. A 'letter' is a single non-blank character. A 'word' is a sequence of non-blank characters terminated by a blank. A 'string' is a sequence of non-tilde characters terminated by a tilde. A tilde is this character: '~'. Thus, strings may contain blanks, and may be multiple lines long. There is no limit on the length of an individual string; however, all strings go into a common memory pool whose size is fixed when the server is compiled. A 'number' is a decimal number with an optional leading '-' or '+'. The '|' character may be used in any number: '1|64|1048576' has the value 1048641. The individual values separated by '|' are added together, so '5|6' is 11, not 7. The components need not be powers of 2. This feature is extremely useful for defining bit vectors, such as the ACT_* and AFF_* bits for mobiles, but is not restricted to bit vectors: any number may use the '|' construction. ie, when putting affects together, all you need to do is the following (example is a mob who is aggressive and stays in one room) 1|2|32. A 'to_eol' is all the characters from the current position to the end of the current input line. It is used for parsing comments at the ends of lines. In the syntax description below, indicates a value to be read of the indicated type. A backslash '\' indicates that the file format itself has only one line, but several lines are used in this description to fit within 80 columns. Braces '{ ... }' are used to enclose elements. They are NOT literal parts of the file format, but a way of indicating that the enclosed elements may be repeated zero or more times. Braces at the same level of indentation indicate that the parallel elements may be present in any order. All other characters in the syntax description are literal characters. Mobiles, objects, and rooms are identified by vnum (virtual number). The range of vnum's is 1 to 65534. Vnums must be unique (for that particular kind of vnum). Vnums do not have to be in increasing order. Typically an area uses the same range of vnums for mobile vnum', object vnum', and room vnums, starting with a multiple of 100. This facilitates adding the area into an existing set of areas. At DD4, we typically preassign room vnums. Let us know the size of your area to the nearest 100 rooms and we'll give you an available "block" of vnums to use. === The #AREA section The syntax of this section is: #AREA ~ ~ \ The 'area-writer' is the name of author of the area. The 'area-name' is the name of the area and can be any string. The next line contains 4 numbers. The first two are the recommended level range of the area, and the second two are the game-enforced limits on character levels who may enter the area. The 'areas' command uses the first four of the these values. An example #AREA section follows: #AREA Owl~ Ota'ar Dar Prince's Canton~ 55 60 40 100 === The #AREA_SPECIAL section The syntax of this section is: #AREA_SPECIAL { } $ The 'area-flag' is a usually-standalone word put on a line by itself to indicate a special effect and/or flag that should be applied to the entire area. Currently one of these, 'exp_mod' also has an associated 'flag-modifier' number that should follow it. The current #AREA_SPECIAL flags are: school Area is a MUD SCHOOL (new character beginning area) no_quest No mobs in this area may be auto-quest targets. hidden "areas" command will not show this area and the mapmaker will not generate maps of it. safe Pkilling cannot happen in this area. no_teleport A player cannot teleport into this area. no_magic Magic cannot be used in this area. exp_mod NUMBER An experience point modifier will be applied to all mobs killed in this area. 100 == no change, 50 == halved, 200 == doubled, etc. An example #AREA_SPECIAL section follows: #AREA_SPECIAL exp_mod 120 no_teleport no_quest $ === The #HELPS section Help sections are usually placed in their own file (helpfile.are) but may be included in individual area files, too. It will be included in the pool of all entries accessible via the 'help' command. Conflicting helps are resolved by displaying only the first instance of a help entry. One quite good use of the #HELPS section in an area file is to give imms private information about the area and how it works by restricting the help to characters of level 101 or higher. The syntax of a help entry is as follows: #HELPS { ~ ~ } 0 $~ The 'level' number is the minimum level necessary to read the help for the given topic. For example: 100 IMMTALK :~ would mean that only characters of level 100 or higher could read the helps for the 'immtalk' command. The 'keywords' are the text strings that must be matched in order to see this particular help entry. Case is unimportant, though typically the keywords are capitalized. For two-word entries, single quotes must be placed around each phrase. For example: 0 'CURE POISON'~ The 'help-text' of the help is completely at the discretion of the builder. Spells usually give a syntax example, followed by a summary: 0 'CURE POISON'~ Syntax: cast 'cure poison' This spell will remove the effects of poison from the victim's body. ~ Normally when a player uses 'help', both the keywords and the help-text are shown. If the 'level' is negative, however, the keywords are suppressed. This allows the help file mechanism to be used for certain other commands, such as the initial 'greetings' text. If a 'help-text' begins with a leading '.', the leading '.' is stripped off. This provides for an escape mechanism from the usual leading-blank stripping of strings, so that entries with complex ASCII art etc may be used. === The #RECALL section The syntax of this section is: #RECALL The 'recall-point' gives the vnum of the room to which a player will recall if they attempt to do so anywhere within the area. If this section is omitted, the recall point will be the standard ROOM_VNUM_TEMPLE defined in merc.h (currently vnum 3001), or your clan headquarters if your character is clanned. If the 'recall-point' is invalid, the player is unable to recall within the area. === The #MOBILES section Mobs are where a lot of the character of your area comes out. This will be the most important section for players who walk around with 'brief' on. The syntax of this section is: #MOBILES { # S \ d + \ d + { ">" {mobprog_trigger_type} " " {argument_list} "~" {program_command_1} {program_command_2} {program_command_3} . . . {program_command_N} "~" NL "|" } { < ~ ~ } } #0 The 'vnum' is the virtual number of the mobile. The 'keywords' are words which can be used in commands to identify the mobile. The 'short-description' is the description used by the 'act' function and other functions (notably in combat) to identify the mobile. The 'long-description' is the description seen when a character walks into a room in which the mobile is visible. The 'description' is the longest description. It is used when a character explicitly looks at the mobile. The 'act-flags' define how the mobile acts. See 'HELP BITZ' in game to see what numbers the BIT_ values resolve to. ACT_ flags: ACT_IS_NPC BIT_0 Auto set for mobs ACT_SENTINEL BIT_1 Stays in one room ACT_SCAVENGER BIT_2 Picks up objects ACT_QUESTMASTER BIT_3 Runs automated quests ACT_AGGRESSIVE BIT_5 Attacks PC's ACT_STAY_AREA BIT_6 Won't leave area ACT_WIMPY BIT_7 Flees when hurt ACT_PET BIT_8 Auto set for pets ACT_NO_QUEST BIT_9 Cannot be selected as quest target ACT_PRACTICE BIT_10 Can teach PCs skills/spells ACT_REGENERATOR BIT_11 Heals at an accelerated rate ACT_NOCHARM BIT_12 Not charmable ACT_IS_HEALER BIT_13 Can use the healer special ACT_IS_FAMOUS BIT_14 Award fame for killing ACT_LOSE_FAME BIT_15 Lose fame for killing ACT_WIZINVIS_MOB BIT_16 Can't be seen by players ACT_MOUNTABLE BIT_17 Can be ridden ACT_TINKER BIT_18 Can repair equipment ACT_BANKER BIT_19 Is a banker/vault master ACT_IDENTIFY BIT_20 Mob can identify objects ACT_DIE_IF_MASTER_GONE BIT_21 Is destroyed if its master is not in room ACT_CLAN_GUARD BIT_22 A clan guard, has some combat resistances ACT_NO_SUMMON BIT_23 Mob may not be summoned ACT_NO_EXPERIENCE BIT_24 No exp rewarded for killing this mob ACT_NO_HEAL BIT_25 Will not heal HP from damage, supercedes ACT_REGENERATOR ACT_NO_FIGHT BIT_26 No active attacks in fights (passive damaging like fireshield still works) ACT_OBJECT BIT_27 Acts as an attackable object ACT_INVULNERABLE BIT_28 Cannot be physically damaged ACT_UNKILLABLE BIT_63 Cannot be killed. 'slay' still works The 'affected-flags' define more attributes of the mobile. AFF_ flags: AFF_BLIND BIT_0 Can't see AFF_INVISIBLE BIT_1 Can't be seen without detect invis AFF_DETECT_EVIL BIT_2 Can detect evil AFF_DETECT_INVIS BIT_3 Can see invisible things AFF_DETECT_MAGIC BIT_4 Can detect magic AFF_DETECT_HIDDEN BIT_5 Can detect hidden players/mobs AFF_HOLD BIT_6 Is held/trapped AFF_SANCTUARY BIT_7 Is affected by the sanctuary spell AFF_FAERIE_FIRE BIT_8 Is affected by faerie fire AFF_INFRARED BIT_9 Can see in the dark AFF_CURSE BIT_10 Is cursed AFF_FLAMING BIT_11 Has fireshield on AFF_POISON BIT_12 Is poisoned AFF_PROTECT BIT_13 Is affected by the protection spell AFF_MEDITATE BIT_14 Is meditating AFF_SNEAK BIT_15 Is sneaking AFF_HIDE BIT_16 Is hiding AFF_SLEEP BIT_17 Is asleep AFF_CHARM BIT_18 Has been charmed AFF_FLYING BIT_19 Is flying AFF_PASS_DOOR BIT_20 Can pass through non-passproof doors AFF_DETECT_TRAPS BIT_21 Can detect trapped items AFF_BATTLE_AURA BIT_22 Affected by battle aura (dam reduction) AFF_DETECT_SNEAK BIT_23 Can detect sneaking PCs/NPCs AFF_GLOBE BIT_24 Has globe spell on AFF_DETER BIT_25 Deters hostile creatures AFF_SWIM BIT_26 Is swimming AFF_PRAYER_PLAGUE BIT_27 Is very sick indeed AFF_NON_CORPOREAL BIT_28 Doesn't interact with the world much AFF_DETECT_CURSE BIT_29 Will attack the cursed AFF_DETECT_GOOD BIT_30 Can detect good-aligned AFF_SWALLOWED BIT_31 Has been swallowed by a large creature AFF_NO_RECALL BIT_32 Cannot recall AFF_DOT BIT_33 Takes damage over time AFF_PRONE BIT_34 Can't do skills, can cast AFF_DAZED BIT_35 Can't do anything AFF_CONFUSION BIT_36 Wanders AFF_SLOW BIT_63 Slowed down. Many negative consequences. The 'alignment' of the mobile ranges from -1000 to +1000. Keep in mind that certain spells give characters fighting oppositely-aligned monsters an advantage, and that experience gained is influenced by the relative alignments of a character and their victims. The literal letter 'S' must be present after the alignment. In the original Diku mob format, 'S' stands for simple. DD4 supports only 'simple' mobs, so the 'S' is actually redundant, but is retained for compatibility. The 'level' is a number from 1 to (probably?) 2147483647. Mobs power scale up to INT_MAX, but it's unlikely you'd make mobs much higher level than 120 or so, given that a player maxes at 100--assuming you actually want them to be killed by players (which you may not). The 'body-form' is a value that describes the morphology of mobiles, to improve corpse and carnage production upon death, and prevent some rather silly player/mobile interactions (tripping up snakes, for example). It contains flags that describe the physical characteristics of mobiles that are checked by many functions during the game. A body_form value of 0 specifies a normal-sized humanoid capable of speech. The following bit values are used to specify mob form: Flag Bit Description -------------- --- -------------------------------- BODY_NO_HEAD 1 No head BODY_NO_EYES 2 No eyes BODY_NO_ARMS 4 No arms BODY_NO_LEGS 8 No legs BODY_NO_HEART 16 No heart BODY_NO_SPEECH 32 Cannot speak the common language BODY_NO_CORPSE 64 Won't leave a corpse when killed BODY_HUGE 128 Massive size BODY_INORGANIC 256 Not made of living tissue BODY_HAS_TAIL 512 Has a tail Example: #101 wild dog^ a wild dog^ A half starved, wild dog wanders the abandoned street. ~ This wild-eyed and starving mongrel patrols the piles of rubbish. ~ 1|32|128 0 0 S 1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 Here -> 4|32 0 8 8 1 In this example, the mob 'wild dog' has a body_form value of 36 (no arms and no speech). Pipes can be used for easy calculation. Mobs with 'BODY_NO_CORPSE' set do not form corpses or produce carnage; they wither and disappear. Any coins or equipment that would normally be in a corpse falls to the floor of the room. If equipment or money falls a message is printed when the mob is killed. Corpse forming mobiles may produce body parts when killed or spray blood. Relevant checks for heads, arms etc are made to prevent wrong body parts from being produced. Body parts from mobiles with 'BODY_INORGANIC' set are made type 'trash' and are inedible (but still have a timer set to prevent clutter). The "mobprog_trigger_type" and associated information describe the format of mobprogs, simple mobile-specific programs written in the MUD's pseudo-scripting Mobprog language. Their description is out of scope of this document, but read mobprogs.txt for full details. "species" and "rank" values (if present) will mark the species type of the mob (currently not fully implemented, use "reserved" as a dummy value) and the rank, which will affect the strength/power of the mob, and improve the likelihood of them dropping high-quality items at higher ranks. Options for "rank" values (in increasing order of power) are "common", "rare", "elite", "boss" and "world". The 'hitroll', 'armor', 'hitnodice', 'hitsizeddice', 'hitplus', 'damnnodice', 'damsizedice', 'damroll', 'exp', 'position', and 'position' fields are present for compatibility with original Diku mud, but their values are ignored by the server--DD4 generates these values internally based on the level of the mobile. 'sex': NEUTRAL 0 MALE 1 FEMALE 2 An example mob, demonstrating many of the features outlined above: #27318 large black dragon Arlauthra~ Arlauthra~ Arlauthra the black dragon regards you with simmering fury. ~ Arlauthra the black dragon has been a bane upon the domain for decades now, and now you stand before him, ready to mete out justice at long last. He appears abnormally slender in comparison to other chromatic dragons--wiry, but not gaunt. His wicked horns protrude from the sides of his head and wrap around, projecting forward. A large frill adorns the upper part of its neck. He smells like nothing so much as rotting vegetation and foul water. He must be 5 metres tall and 25 metres long. He is not at all pleased to see you here. ~ 2|32|64|16384 4|8|16|32|512|8192|524288|4194304|8388608|1073741824 -1000 S 60 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 640 0 8 8 1 >rand_prog 3~ mpasound A hideous reptilian screeching comes from the rocky island. ~ >rand_prog 3~ mpasound You hear the sound of some huge beast moving around. ~ >rand_prog 3~ mpasound The acidic burbling of some huge creature fills the air. ~ >fight_prog 10~ swallow $n ~ | < reserved~ boss~ === The #OBJECTS section These are the items the people who journey through your area will keep and use, so it's a good idea to provide detailed, quality descriptions for them. Remember to balance them with/against that already exist in the game; https://fromagefraser.com/dd4-query/items is an excellent tool to research currently-existing items and their properties to see how yours might slot in. The syntax of this section is: #OBJECTS { # ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ { E } { A } } #0 The 'vnum' is the virtual number of the object. The 'keywords' are words which can be used in commands to identify the object. The 'short-description' is the description used by the 'act' function and other functions to identify the object. The first character of the short- description should be lower case, because this description is used in the middle of sentences. The 'long-description' is the description used when a character walks in the room and the object is visible. The 'action-description' is not used, which why you just put a ~ there. The 'item-type' is the type of the item. ITEM_ types: ITEM_LIGHT 1 ITEM_SCROLL 2 ITEM_WAND 3 ITEM_STAFF 4 ITEM_WEAPON 5 ITEM_TREASURE 8 ITEM_ARMOR 9 ITEM_POTION 10 ITEM_FURNITURE 12 ITEM_TRASH 13 ITEM_CONTAINER 15 ITEM_DRINK_CON 17 ITEM_KEY 18 ITEM_FOOD 19 ITEM_MONEY 20 ITEM_BOAT 22 ITEM_CORPSE_NPC 23 ITEM_CORPSE_PC 24 ITEM_FOUNTAIN 25 ITEM_PILL 26 ITEM_CLIMBING_EQ 27 ITEM_PAINT 28 ITEM_MOB 29 ITEM_ANVIL 30 ITEM_AUCTION_TICKET 31 ITEM_CLAN_OBJECT 32 ITEM_PORTAL 33 ITEM_POISON_POWDER 34 ITEM_LOCK_PICK 35 ITEM_INSTRUMENT 36 ITEM_ARMOURERS_HAMMER 37 ITEM_MITHRIL 38 ITEM_WHETSTONE 39 ITEM_CRAFT 40 ITEM_SPELLCRAFT 41 ITEM_TURRET_MODULE 42 ITEM_FORGE 43 ITEM_ARRESTOR_UNIT 44 ITEM_DRIVER_UNIT 45 ITEM_REFLECTOR_UNIT 46 ITEM_SHIELD_UNIT 47 ITEM_DEFENSIVE_TURRET_MODULE 48 ITEM_TURRET 49 ITEM_COMBAT_PULSE 50 ITEM_DEFENSIVE_PULSE 51 ITEM_PIPE 52 ITEM_PIPE_CLEANER 53 ITEM_SMOKEABLE 54 ITEM_REMAINS 55 The 'extra-flags' describe more attributes of the object. The 'wear-flags' describe whether the item can be picked up, and if so, what bodily locations it can be "worn" in/on. Extra ITEM_ flags: ITEM_GLOW BIT_0 ITEM_HUM BIT_1 ITEM_EGO BIT_2 ITEM_ANTI_RANGER BIT_3 ITEM_EVIL BIT_4 ITEM_INVIS BIT_5 ITEM_MAGIC BIT_6 ITEM_NODROP BIT_7 ITEM_BLESS BIT_8 ITEM_ANTI_GOOD BIT_9 ITEM_ANTI_EVIL BIT_10 ITEM_ANTI_NEUTRAL BIT_11 ITEM_NOREMOVE BIT_12 ITEM_INVENTORY BIT_13 ITEM_POISONED BIT_14 ITEM_ANTI_MAGE BIT_15 ITEM_ANTI_CLERIC BIT_16 ITEM_ANTI_THIEF BIT_17 ITEM_ANTI_WARRIOR BIT_18 ITEM_ANTI_PSIONIC BIT_19 ITEM_VORPAL BIT_20 ITEM_TRAP BIT_21 ITEM_DONATED BIT_22 ITEM_BLADE_THIRST BIT_23 ITEM_SHARP BIT_24 ITEM_FORGED BIT_25 ITEM_BODY_PART BIT_26 * ITEM_LANCE BIT_27 ITEM_ANTI_BRAWLER BIT_28 ITEM_ANTI_SHAPE_SHIFTER BIT_29 ITEM_BOW BIT_30 ITEM_ANTI_SMITHY BIT_34 ITEM_DEPLOYED BIT_35 ITEM_RUNE BIT_36 ITEM_DONOT_RANDOMISE BIT_37 ITEM_WEAK_RANDOMISE BIT_38 ITEM_CURSED BIT_61 * Note if a weapon, armour, or light has this flag and is being worn, value[0] (or value[1] if armour) may be set to any one of the following to denote what part of the body it is associated with--used by skills like 'target' and other effects that target body parts. 1 - head 2 - eye 3 - arm 4 - leg 5 - heart 6 - tail 7 - torso/central mass WEAR_ flags: ITEM_TAKE BIT_0 ITEM_WEAR_FINGER BIT_1 ITEM_WEAR_NECK BIT_2 ITEM_WEAR_BODY BIT_3 ITEM_WEAR_HEAD BIT_4 ITEM_WEAR_LEGS BIT_5 ITEM_WEAR_FEET BIT_6 ITEM_WEAR_HANDS BIT_7 ITEM_WEAR_ARMS BIT_8 ITEM_WEAR_SHIELD BIT_9 ITEM_WEAR_ABOUT BIT_10 ITEM_WEAR_WAIST BIT_11 ITEM_WEAR_WRIST BIT_12 ITEM_WIELD BIT_13 ITEM_HOLD BIT_14 ITEM_FLOAT BIT_15 ITEM_WEAR_POUCH BIT_16 ITEM_RANGED_WEAPON BIT_17 ITEM_LAST_WEAR_BIT BIT_17 The interpretation of the four 'values' depends upon the type of the object. These values are entered as strings and MUST be terminated by a tilde (~), but will be changed to integers depending on the type of the object and the form of the input. Server interpretations of their values are given at the end of this section. The 'weight' of the object is just that. 'Cost' is ignored. An item's 'cost' is generated internally based on the level of the object. 'item-shop-level' is the level the item will be sold for if it is reset in a shopkeeper's inventory. This number will be fuzzy unless you also add the ITEM_DONOT_RANDOMISE flag to the item. The optional 'E' sections and 'A' sections come after the main data. An 'E' section ('extra description') contains a keyword-list and a string associated with those keywords. This description string is used when a character looks at a word on the keyword list, ie a gem on a sceptre would be: E gem~ A glowing red gem pulsates silently on the tip of the sceptre. ~ it is a generally good idea to put extra descriptions on important objects, particularly ones that players might want to keep. It might even be desirable to chain your extra descriptions, giving partial information each time, with each extra description suggesting the keyword or keywords you should use to access the next. An 'A' section ('apply') contains an apply-type and an apply-value. When a character uses this object as equipment (holds, wields, or wears it), then the value of 'apply-value' is added to the character attribute identified by 'apply-type'. Note some of these are not implemented or 'collapse' into other values; these are marked below. They may still be used for colour/flavour. APPLY_ types: APPLY_NONE 0 APPLY_STR 1 APPLY_DEX 2 APPLY_INT 3 APPLY_WIS 4 APPLY_CON 5 APPLY_SEX 6 APPLY_CLASS 7 Not implemented APPLY_LEVEL 8 Not implemented APPLY_AGE 9 Not implemented APPLY_HEIGHT 10 Not implemented APPLY_WEIGHT 11 Not implemented APPLY_MANA 12 APPLY_HIT 13 APPLY_MOVE 14 APPLY_GOLD 15 Not implemented APPLY_EXP 16 Not implemented APPLY_AC 17 APPLY_HITROLL 18 APPLY_DAMROLL 19 APPLY_SAVING_PARA 20 Collapses to save vs spell APPLY_SAVING_ROD 21 Collapses to save vs spell APPLY_SAVING_PETRI 22 Collapses to save vs spell APPLY_SAVING_BREATH 23 Collapses to save vs spell APPLY_SAVING_SPELL 24 APPLY_SANCTUARY 25 APPLY_SNEAK 26 APPLY_FLY 27 APPLY_INVIS 28 APPLY_DETECT_INVIS 29 APPLY_DETECT_HIDDEN 30 APPLY_FLAMING 31 APPLY_PROTECT 32 APPLY_PASS_DOOR 33 APPLY_GLOBE 34 APPLY_DRAGON_AURA 35 Only affects item "score" currently APPLY_RESIST_HEAT 36 APPLY_RESIST_COLD 37 APPLY_RESIST_LIGHTNING 38 APPLY_RESIST_ACID 39 APPLY_BREATHE_WATER 40 APPLY_BALANCE 41 APPLY_SET_UNCOMMON 42 APPLY_SET_RARE 43 APPLY_SET_EPIC 44 APPLY_SET_LEGENDARY 45 APPLY_STRENGTHEN 46 APPLY_ENGRAVED 47 APPLY_SERRATED 48 APPLY_INSCRIBED 49 APPLY_CRIT 50 APPLY_SWIFTNESS 51 An object may have an unlimited number of 'E' and 'A' sections. --- Notes on use of trapped items Example of a trapped object: nice chest~ a nice chest~ A nice chest is here. It is nice.~ ~ 15 2097152 1|512 5 20 0 150~ 13~ 27207~ 0~ 105 0 0 The 2097152 (BIT_21) is the 'this is a trap' flag. Any item can be trapped, just by sticking this flag on it. The 1|512 flags are TRAP_EFFs, which are basically "what does the trap trigger on?" They reference the following, and may be stacked. They will overwrite the take/wear bits (meaning you can't take/wear a trap). TRAP_EFF_MOVE BIT_0 (1) /* trigger on movement */ TRAP_EFF_OBJECT BIT_1 (2) /* trigger on get or put */ TRAP_EFF_ROOM BIT_2 (4) /* affect all in room */ TRAP_EFF_NORTH BIT_3 (8) /* movement in this direction */ TRAP_EFF_EAST BIT_4 (16) TRAP_EFF_SOUTH BIT_5 (32) TRAP_EFF_WEST BIT_6 (64) TRAP_EFF_UP BIT_7 (128) TRAP_EFF_DOWN BIT_8 (256) TRAP_EFF_OPEN BIT_9 (512) /* trigger on open */ 5 is the damage type. Options are: TRAP_DAM_SLEEP -1 TRAP_DAM_TELEPORT 0 TRAP_DAM_FIRE 1 TRAP_DAM_COLD 2 TRAP_DAM_ACID 3 TRAP_DAM_ENERGY 4 TRAP_DAM_BLUNT 5 TRAP_DAM_PIERCE 6 TRAP_DAM_SLASH 7 TRAP_DAM_POISON 8 TRAP_DAM_SNARE 9 20 in the example item is the number of charges the trap has before it is exhausted. The '0' is probably important. 150~ 13~ 27207~ 0~ are capacity, pickable etc flags, and key vnum for the container here, but could be anything depending on what you trap. The '13' must be the combined value of bit value flags on containers--because it is consumed as a string, 1|4|8 will not work. Imm commands trapstat, trapremove, traplist, and trapset are in wizhelp and have helpfile entries with more detail. They do what they sound like they should. --- Meaning of Value Numbers by Item Type As mentioned earlier, the 'value' fields are entered by the builder as TEXT strings, even though they will be converted to and stored as integer values. This is so that spell names, rather than slot numbers, could be used for items that can have spells placed on them. For these types of items, the text string containing the spell name (for example, cure critical) is translated to an internal skill/spell number or 'sn'. For the other item types, the strings are converted directly to integer values. If an item only has one spell, the other strings must still be terminated by a ~, but need not have any content. A complete list of spells at the time of the last update of this document is given at the end of this file. NOTE: Because these are read in as strings, the '|' pipe format cannot be used for the flags; i.e. 1|4|8~ is an invalid entry, but 13~ is valid. (cf. ITEM_CONTAINER, value[1]). If you try to add a piped value the server will grab the first value and discard the rest. 1 ITEM_LIGHT value[0] optional value to denote body part type, if body part value[1] unused value[2] hours of light available, 0 is dead, -1 is infinite value[3] unused 2 ITEM_SCROLL value[0] level value[1] spell name 1 value[2] spell name 2 value[3] spell name 3 3 ITEM_WAND value[0] level value[1] max charges value[2] current charges value[3] spell name 4 ITEM_STAFF value[0] level value[1] max charges value[2] current charges value[3] spell name 5 ITEM_WEAPON value[0] optional value to denote body part type, if body part value[1] unused (formerly min damage) value[2] unused (formerly max damage) value[3] weapon type: 0 hit 1 slice 2 stab 3 slash 4 whip 5 claw 6 blast 7 pound 8 crush 9 grep 10 bite 11 pierce 12 suction 13 chop 14 rake 15 swipe 16 sting 17 scoop 18 mash 19 hack 8 ITEM_TREASURE value[0] unused value[1] unused value[2] unused value[3] unused 09 ITEM_ARMOR value[0] unused value[1] optional value to denote body part type, if body part value[2] unused value[3] unused 10 ITEM_POTION value[0] level value[1] spell name 1 value[2] spell name 2 value[3] spell name 3 12 ITEM_FURNITURE value[0] unused value[1] unused value[2] unused value[3] unused 13 ITEM_TRASH value[0] unused value[1] unused value[2] unused value[3] unused 15 ITEM_CONTAINER value[0] weight capacity value[1] flags: 1 closeable, 2 pickproof, 4 closed, 8 locked value[2] key vnum (use -1 to indicate there is no key) value[3] unused 17 ITEM_DRINK_CON value[0] capacity value[1] current quantity value[2] liquid number (see 'liq_table' in const.c) value[3] if non-zero, drink is poisoned 18 ITEM_KEY value[0] The vnum of room/container it unlocks value[1] unused value[2] unused value[3] unused 19 ITEM_FOOD value[0] hours of food value value[1] unused value[2] unused value[3] if non-zero, food is poisoned 20 ITEM_MONEY value[0] value in copper pieces (all coin values are fuzzy unless item is flagged with ITEM_DONOT_RANDOMISE) value[1] value in silver pieces value[2] value in gold pieces value[3] value in platinum pieces 22 ITEM_BOAT value[0] unused value[1] unused value[2] unused value[3] unused 23 ITEM_CORPSE_NPC value[0] unused value[1] unused value[2] unused value[3] unused 24 ITEM_CORPSE_PC value[0] unused value[1] unused value[2] unused value[3] unused 25 ITEM_FOUNTAIN value[0] unused value[1] unused value[2] liquid number (see 'liq_table' in const.c) value[3] if non-zero, fountain is poisoned 26 ITEM_PILL value[0] level value[1] spell name 1 value[2] spell name 2 value[3] spell name 3 27 ITEM_CLIMBING_EQ value[0] unused value[1] unused value[2] unused value[3] unused 28 ITEM_PAINT value[0] level value[1] spell name 1 value[2] spell name 2 value[3] spell name 3 29 ITEM_MOB value[0] unused value[1] unused value[2] unused value[3] unused 30 ITEM_ANVIL value[0] unused value[1] unused value[2] unused value[3] unused 31 ITEM_AUCTION_TICKET value[0] Set to cost of ticket in db.c value[1] unused value[2] unused value[3] unused 32 ITEM_CLAN_OBJECT value[0] unused value[1] unused value[2] unused value[3] unused 33 ITEM_PORTAL value[0] room vnum low (if < 1 portal is dead) value[1] room vnum high (if > 0 portal goes to random room between value[0] and value[1]) value[2] lower level limit for use value[3] upper level limit for use 34 ITEM_POISON_POWDER value[0] unused value[1] unused value[2] unused value[3] unused 35 ITEM_LOCK_PICK value[0] unused value[1] unused value[2] unused value[3] unused 36 ITEM_INSTRUMENT value[0] unused value[1] unused value[2] unused value[3] unused 37 ITEM_ARMOURERS_HAMMER value[0] unused value[1] unused value[2] unused value[3] unused 38 ITEM_MITHRIL value[0] unused value[1] unused value[2] unused value[3] unused 39 ITEM_WHETSTONE value[0] unused value[1] unused value[2] unused value[3] unused 40 ITEM_CRAFT value[0] crafting bonus (percentage bonus, so if '5' == +5%) value[1] unused value[2] unused value[3] unused 41 ITEM_SPELLCRAFT value[0] crafting bonus (percentage bonus, so if '5' == +5%) value[1] unused value[2] unused value[3] unused 42 ITEM_TURRET_MODULE value[0] lower damage range value[1] upper damage range value[2] current charges value[3] maximum charges 43 ITEM_FORGE value[0] unused value[1] unused value[2] unused value[3] unused 44 ITEM_ARRESTOR_UNIT value[0] unused value[1] unused value[2] unused value[3] unused 45 ITEM_DRIVER_UNIT value[0] number of uses (automatically determined by object level) value[1] unused value[2] unused value[3] unused 46 ITEM_REFLECTOR_UNIT value[0] unused value[1] unused value[2] unused value[3] unused 47 ITEM_SHIELD_UNIT value[0] number of uses (automatically determined by object level) value[1] unused value[2] unused value[3] unused 48 ITEM_DEFENSIVE_TURRET_MODULE value[0] unused value[1] unused value[2] module capacity (server determined) value[3] unused 49 ITEM_TURRET value[0] unused value[1] unused value[2] unused value[3] unused 50 ITEM_COMBAT_PULSE value[0] current charges value[1] max charges value[2] spell level value[3] spell 51 ITEM_DEFENSIVE_PULSE value[0] current charges value[1] max charges value[2] spell level value[3] spell 52 ITEM_PIPE value[0] current benefit value[1] maximum benefit value[2] effect on thirst value[3] speed (waitstate) 53 ITEM_PIPE_CLEANER value[0] current uses value[1] maximum uses value[2] current effectiveness value[3] maximum effectiveness 54 ITEM_SMOKEABLE value[0] uses remaining value[1] spell value[2] spell value[3] spell (harmful by convention, not server-enforced) 55 ITEM_REMAINS value[0] weight capacity value[1] flags: 1 closeable, 4 closed value[2] unused value[3] unused Examples: ITEM_ARMOR: 0~ 0~ 0~ 0~ (all values are set automatically by the server) ITEM_WEAPON: 0~ 0~ 0~ 11~ (damage range value[1]-value[2] is set internally; this is a piercing weapon) ITEM_POTION: 25~ teleport~ cure critical~ ~ (note that only two spells are used; the third is left blank) ITEM_STAFF: 15~ 3~ 3~ ultrablast~ And a complete item: #27288 slaver's whip~ a slaver's whip~ A cruel-looking whip lies here.~ ~ 5 16|128|512|2048 1|8192 0~ 0~ 0~ 4~ 2 0 0 A 2 -2 A 19 4 A 18 3 A 4 -2 E slaver's whip~ A cruel and unsavoury weapon, the whip has had sharp metal pieces woven into it to increase the damage it inflicts on its victims. ~ Remember, you can use previously-defined items in your area. So if you don't want to make a bunch of boring stock items, use ones that have been declared earlier (must use an earlier vnum than the block your area is using). === The #OBJECT_SETS section DD4 supports having "sets" of 2-5 objects, such that bonuses can be applied to a player when varying combinations/quantities of them are worn. To add such a set, the items can be created as usual in an #OBJECTS section, but the set must be described/detailed in a separate "#OBJECT_SETS" section of the area file. Currently the set objects and set descriptions are in the "sets.are" area file for ease of centralisation, but this is only a convention. The syntax of this section is: #OBJECT_SETS { # ~ ~ \ \ { A } } #0 The "set-member" values are the vnums of the items that belong to the set. A 0 indicates there is no set member in that slot. Sets are considered to belong to the categories "uncommon" (2 items), "rare" (3 items), "epic" (4 items), and "legendary" (5 items). The "bonus-tier" values indicate how many items need to be worn to trigger the various set bonuses available. For example, values 5 5 5 5 5 would mean all 5 would need to be worn to get the bonus, whereas 2 2 4 4 5 would mean 2 items would need to be worn for the first bonus, 4 items for next bonus, and all 5 for the third. Note that you cannot, for example, wear 2 items and get 3 bonuses--each increase in number represents only 1 bonus. Bonuses are also applied in reverse order, so put your best bonus first! An example #OBJECT_SETS entry that applies a "fly" bonus when 2 items are worn: #2702 uncommon crow~ The Smithy's Set of the Crow. Crow were the pseudo-pets of the smiths, often seen perching across a smithy's forge in winter months basking in its heat and scavenging any food scraps that were present. An ancient forging process imbues the essence of crow into this armour set, allowing its wearer to manifest properties of the black-feathered avians. ~ 2704 2705 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 A 27 -1 === The #ROOMS section The rooms in your area are what really make it, setting the atmosphere and tone. Try to make an effort with their descriptions. The syntax of this section is: #ROOMS { # { D } { E } S } #0 The 'vnum' is the virtual number of the room. The 'name' is the name of the room. The 'description' is the long multi-line description of the room. The 'area' is obsolete and unused. Rooms belong to whatever area was most recently defined with #AREA. The 'room-flags' describe more attributes of the room. ROOM_ flags: ROOM_DARK BIT_0 Room is dark ROOM_NO_MOB BIT_2 Mobiles will not wander into ROOM_INDOORS BIT_3 Is indoors ROOM_VAULT BIT_4 Player vault may be interacted with here ROOM_CRAFT BIT_7 Room gives physical crafting bonus ROOM_SPELLCRAFT BIT_8 Room gives magical crafting bonus ROOM_PRIVATE BIT_9 Room only fits two characters ROOM_SAFE BIT_10 No pkilling in room ROOM_SOLITARY BIT_11 Room only fits one character ROOM_PET_SHOP BIT_12 Room stores pets to be sold at pet store ROOM_NO_RECALL BIT_13 Cannot recall from room ROOM_CONE_OF_SILENCE BIT_14 No magic in room ROOM_PLAYER_KILLER BIT_15 Can recall from here despite other flags ROOM_HEALING BIT_16 Healing rate accelerated here ROOM_FREEZING BIT_17 Room does freezing damage ROOM_BURNING BIT_18 Room does burning damage ROOM_NO_MOUNT BIT_19 Mounts cannot access room ROOM_TOXIC BIT_20 Healing slowed, chance of being poisoned ROOM_NO_DROP BIT_63 Cannot drop items in room The 'sector-type' identifies the type of terrain. This primarily affects movement cost through the room, but may have various other effects--for example, water races don't have to drink in "wet" terrain types, and rangers get a small healing bonus when they sleep in HILL and FOREST terrain types. SECT_ types: SECT_INSIDE 0 SECT_CITY 1 SECT_FIELD 2 SECT_FOREST 3 SECT_HILLS 4 SECT_MOUNTAIN 5 SECT_WATER_SWIM 6 SECT_WATER_NOSWIM 7 SECT_UNDERWATER 8 SECT_AIR 9 SECT_DESERT 10 SECT_SWAMP 11 SECT_UNDERWATER_GROUND 12 SECT_MAX 13 Unlike mobiles and objects, rooms don't have any keywords associated with them. One may not manipulate a room in the same way one manipulates a mobile or object. The optional 'D' sections and 'E' sections come after the main data. A 'D' section contains a 'door' in the range from 0 to 5: 0 north 1 east 2 south 3 west 4 up 5 down A 'D' command also contains a 'description' for that direction, and 'keywords' for manipulating the door. 'Doors' include not just a real door, but any kind of exit from the room. The 'locks' value specifies special features about a door, and there are multiple combinations. Doors can be not-doors, bashproof, pickproof, passproof, walls (can be climbed), or secret (cannot be seen on "exits" information). The following table gives the 'locks' value and how the door will be set for each acceptable value: value door pickproof bashproof passproof wall secret 1 yes no no no no no 2 yes yes no no no no 3 yes no yes no no no 4 yes yes yes no no no 5 yes no no yes no no 6 yes yes no yes no no 7 yes no yes yes no no 8 yes yes yes yes no no 9 no no no no yes no 10 yes no no no no yes 11 yes yes yes yes no yes 12 no no no no no yes The 'key' value is the vnum of an object which locks and unlocks the door. Lastly, 'to_room' is the vnum of the room to which this door leads. You must specify two 'D' sections, one for each side of the door. If you specify just one then you'll get a one-way exit. As well as one-way exits, doors can open into the same room they exit from, providing some interesting creative opportunities. An 'E' section (extended description) contains a 'keywords' string and a 'description' string. Looking at one of the words in 'keywords' yields the 'description' string. The 'S' at the end marks the end of the room. It is not optional. An example room from the MUD, demonstrating various features: #27465 Ota'ar Dar Prince's Canton/Omu Canal, Lower~ You are at the bottom of the ocean floor, in a deep canal between Ota'ar Dar's prince's canton and the Grung city of Omu. The high canal walls prevent access from here to the canton or to Omu, but you may travel south, further along the canal system, or upwards, towards the huge, looming area of darkness in the water above. To your immediate east you see the bridge that connects the prince's canton to Omu, but a large iron grate seals it off from the canal. You also notice, covering the bottom of the eastern bridge support structure, a large quantity of seaweed that seems to have been recently disturbed. ~ 0 0 12 D1 The mass of seaweed covers a huge cavemouth at the bottom of the bridge. ~ seaweed disturbed structure support east~ 10 -1 27817 D2 ~ ~ 0 -1 27464 D4 ~ ~ 0 -1 27765 E seaweed disturbed structure support east~ The mass of seaweed covers a huge cavemouth at the bottom of the bridge. It would be easy enough to clear it away and enter the cave. ~ S === The #RESETS section The most important section of the area, and the easiest to mess up. It is here that you place your mobs and equip them, and place any ground objects that might exist. Make sure you use the proper location flags. The syntax of this section is: #RESETS { * } { M 0 \ } { O 0 <:number> \ } { I \ } { P 0 <:number> \ } { G 0 0 } { E 0 0 } { D 0 \ } { R 0 } S The 'resets' section contains a series of single lines. The backslashes and line splitting above are for readability; they are not part of the file format. Because of the end-of-line comments, this section is not as free- format as other sections. The reset commands are: * comment M read a mobile O read an object I place object on ground and set level P put object in object G give object to mobile E equip object to mobile D set state of door R randomize room exits S stop (end of list) The '*' lines contain comments. The 'S' line is the last line of the section. Every command aside from 'G' is followed by four numbers (three for the 'G' command). The first number is ignored except in the case of 'I'. For the 'M' command, the second number is the vnum of a mobile to load. The third number is the limit of how many of this mobile may be present in the world. NOTE: WORLD (not room). The fourth number is the vnum of the room where the mobile is loaded. For the 'I' command, the first number is the vnum of the object to load. The second is the level to set the item to. The third is the vnum of the location to place it. The last number is meant to be the object load limit, but is currently unimplemented and thus ignored. For the 'O', 'P', 'G', and 'E' commands, the second number is the vnum of an object to load. The third number is ignored. For the 'O' command, the fourth number is the vnum of the room where the object is loaded. The object is not loaded if the target room already contains any objects with this vnum. The object is also not loaded if any players are present in the area. The object's level will be related to that of the mob most recently loaded in the area before it. For the 'P' command, the fourth number is the vnum of a container object where the object will be loaded. The actual container used is the most recently loaded object with the right vnum; for best results, there should be only one such container in the world. The object is not loaded if no container object exists, or if someone is carrying it, or if it already contains one of the to-be-loaded object. For the 'G' command, there is no fourth number. If the most recent 'M' command succeeded (e.g. the mobile limit wasn't exceeded), the object is given to that mobile. If the most recent 'M' command failed (due to hitting mobile limit), then the object is not loaded. For the 'E' command, the fourth number is an equipment wear location (see following). Be careful where you equip the mobile or you might end up with a breast plate used as a weapon--the server will not prevent you from doing this. If the most recent 'M' command succeeded, that mobile is equipped with the object. If the most recent 'M' command failed, then the object is not loaded. Equipment wear locations: WEAR_NONE -1 WEAR_LIGHT 0 WEAR_FINGER_L 1 WEAR_FINGER_R 2 WEAR_NECK_1 3 WEAR_NECK_2 4 WEAR_BODY 5 WEAR_HEAD 6 WEAR_LEGS 7 WEAR_FEET 8 WEAR_HANDS 9 WEAR_ARMS 10 WEAR_SHIELD 11 WEAR_ABOUT 12 WEAR_WAIST 13 WEAR_WRIST_L 14 WEAR_WRIST_R 15 WEAR_WIELD 16 WEAR_HOLD 17 WEAR_DUAL 18 WEAR_FLOAT 19 WEAR_POUCH 20 WEAR_RANGED_WEAPON 21 All objects have a level limit, which is computed by inheritance from the most recently read 'M' command (whether it succeeded or not) in 'area_update' in 'db.c'. A worn/equipped object's level equals the carrying mobile's level minus a few levels, clipped to the range 0 to 100. There is also a bit of fuzz on the mobile's loaded level based on their set level in their #MOBILES entry, with the consequence that it should be possible (if unlikely) to obtain an item up to 4 levels lower than the set-level of the mobile who carries it. For the 'D' command, the second number is the vnum of a room. The third number is a door number from 0 to 5. The fourth number indicates how to set the door: 0 for open and unlocked; 1 for closed and unlocked; 2 for closed and locked. Room exits should be coherent: if room 1 has an exit to room 2, and room 2 has an exit in the reverse direction, that exit should go back to room 1. This doesn't prevent one-way exits; room 2 doesn't HAVE to have an exit in the reverse direction. For the 'R' command, the second number is the vnum of a room. The third number is a door number. When this command, the doors from 0 to the indicated door number are shuffled. The room will still have the same exits leading to the same other rooms as before, but the directions will be different. Thus, a door number of 4 makes a two-dimensional maze room; a door number of 6 makes a three-dimensional maze room. Use of both the 'D' and 'R' commands on the same room will yield unpredictable results. Any line (except an 'S' line) may have a comment at the end. === The #GAMES section #GAMES section in area files To allow mobs to host gambling games. The syntax is: #GAMES { * } { M } S The #GAMES section has one command per line. The 'M' command assigns game-fun to all mobiles with mob-vnum. bankroll is the amount of gold that the croupier (the mob running the game) has when it is loaded. When the bankroll goes below zero, the mob shuts down its game. Currently games can only be conducted with gold pieces, though it is planned that this will be changed eventually to allow all denominations. The max_wait value is the number of PULSE_MOBILEs the croupier will wait for each person to make a decision for interactive games (currently unimplemented). PULSE_MOBILE is defined in merc.h. The wait between rounds should depend upon the number of players playing. If cheat is non-zero ("true") this mobile will cheat at the given game (assuming cheat code is implemented in the game). An 'M' line may have a comment at the end. The following simple games are currently available for mobiles: game_u_l_t Upper-Lower-Triple, a dice game game_high_dice High dice, a dice game game_seven Seven, a dice game An example of a #GAMES section: * M 3160 game_u_l_t 100000 4 1 /* Croupier, cheats */ M 3161 game_blackjack 1000000 8 0 /* Dealer, doesn't cheat */ * S === The #SHOPS section The syntax of this section is: #SHOPS { \ \ \ \ \ } 0 Like the #RESETS section, the #SHOPS section has one command per line. The 'keeper' is the vnum of the mobile who is the shopkeeper. All mobiles with that vnum will be shopkeepers. The 'trade-0' through 'trade-4' numbers are item types which the shopkeeper will buy. Unused slots should have a '0' in them; for instance, a shopkeeper who doesn't buy anything would have five zeroes. The 'profit-buy' number is a markup for players buying items from the keeper, in percentage points. 50 is 50% markup, 100 would be double the item raw "value" and so on. The 'profit-sell' number is a markdown for players selling the keeper items, in percentage points. 100 is nominal price; 75 is a 25% markdown, and so on. The buying markup should be at least 100, and the selling markdown should be at most 100. The 'open-hour' and 'close-hour' numbers define the hours when the shopkeeper will do business. For a 24-hour shop, these numbers would be 0 and 23. Everything beyond 'close-hour' to the end of the line is taken to be a comment. Note that there is no room number for a shop. Just load the shopkeeper mobile into the room of your choice, and make it ACT_SENTINEL. Or, for a roving shopkeeper, leave it as non-sentinel. The objects a shopkeeper sells are exactly those loaded by 'G' reset commands for that shopkeeper. These items replenish automatically. If a player sells an object to a shopkeeper, the shopkeeper will keep it for resale if he, she, or it doesn't already have an identical object. These items do not replenish. See the #SHOPS section in midgaard.are or sahuagin_market.are for good examples. === The #SPECIALS section Use this section to give mobs more personality and capability via spec_funs. There's literally no limit to what you can accomplish using them, but they're typically used to have e.g. cleric mobs fight like clerics, warrior mobs fight like warriors, etc. The syntax of this section is: #SPECIALS { * } { M } S Like the #RESETS section, the #SPECIALS section has one command per line. The 'M' command assigns 'spec-fun' to all mobiles of with virtual number 'mob-vnum'. All spec-funs are assigned by name. An 'M' line may have a comment at the end. Certain special functions make mobiles much more challenging to fight, and an experience bonus is added to reflect this. They currently range from no bonus (not a combat special) to +20% for the really tough specials like spec_evil_evil_gezhp (!) and spec_sahuagin_prince. The following special functions are available for mobiles; their names generally give you some idea of their effects: spec_breath_any spec_breath_acid spec_breath_fire spec_breath_frost spec_breath_gas spec_breath_lightning spec_breath_steam spec_cast_adept spec_cast_hooker spec_buddha spec_kungfu_poison spec_cast_cleric spec_cast_judge spec_cast_mage spec_cast_druid spec_cast_water_sprite spec_cast_psionicist spec_cast_undead spec_executioner spec_fido spec_clan_guard spec_guard spec_janitor spec_poison spec_repairman spec_thief spec_bounty spec_grail spec_cast_orb spec_assassin spec_warrior spec_vampire spec_cast_archmage spec_cast_priestess spec_mast_vampire spec_bloodsucker spec_spectral_minion spec_celestial_repairman spec_sahuagin spec_evil_evil_gezhp spec_demon spec_cast_electric spec_small_whale spec_large_whale spec_kappa spec_aboleth spec_laghathti spec_superwimpy spec_uzollru spec_sahuagin_baron spec_sahuagin_prince spec_sahuagin_infantry spec_sahuagin_cavalry spec_sahuagin_guard spec_sahuagin_lieutenant spec_sahuagin_cleric spec_sahuagin_high_cleric spec_green_grung spec_red_grung spec_blue_grung spec_purple_grung spec_orange_grung spec_gold_grung An example spec_fun entry from plains2.are is: M 18405 spec_fido The carnivorous grass Note that the comment giving the short description of the mob is not required, but is nice convention to observe. === The #$ section The syntax of this section is: #$ This section marks the end of an area file. If you concatenate several area files into one, remember to delete the terminating '#$' from all but the last file. Conversely, if you split area files, remember to terminate each new file with a '#$'. === Colour This MUD supports 8-bit (256) terminal colours. You will see 8-bit colour used throughout the MUD's text and may use it yourself in your areas, with virtually any text string. The format for a colour tag is . Similar to using standard colours, you add 8-bit colour to text by enclosing it in tags. To print a literal '<' character, just type it twice: '<<'. Close your tags with <0> to stop your colours from bleeding. Example: <196>This text would be turned bright red.<0> For a list of all the colours available and their corresponding tag numbers, see the table at: https://tinyurl.com/dd4colours or type 'HELP COLOURCODES' while online. The numbers for foreground colours run from 1-255; you can also colour the background--just add 300 to the foreground colour number, so that e.g. to colour the background BrightCyan (14) you would use the tag <314>, producing this effect. The following tags are available for text decoration: <556> Bold ON <557> Bold OFF <558> Italics ON <559> Italics OFF <560> Underline ON <561> Underline OFF <562> Strikethrough ON <563> Strikethrough OFF <564> Default foreground ON <565> Default background ON === Spells The following is a list of spells which can be used on DD4. These names would appear in the appropriate locations for wands, scrolls, staves, potions, paints, smokeables, and pills. inner fire synaptic blast prismatic spray holy word unholy word armor astral vortex bless blindness burning hands call lightning cause critical cause light cause serious change sex chain lightning charm person chill touch colour spray continual light control weather create food create spring create water cure blindness cure critical cure light cure poison cure serious curse detect good detect evil detect hidden detect invis detect sneak detect magic detect poison dispel evil dispel magic earthquake enchant weapon energy drain entrapment faerie fire faerie fog fireball fireshield flamestrike gate giant strength harm haste heal knock power heal identify infravision invis know alignment lightning bolt locate object magic missile mass invis pass door poison paralysis protection refresh remove curse sanctuary sense traps shield dragon shield shocking grasp sleep stone skin summon summon familiar teleport ventriloquate weaken word of recall acid breath fire breath frost breath gas breath lightning breath animate weapon transport general purpose high explosive adrenaline control agitation aura sight awe ballistic attack biofeedback cell adjustment combat mind recharge mana vitalize complete healing control flames create sound death field decay detonate disintegrate displacement domination ectoplasmic form ego whip energy containment enhance armor enhanced strength flesh armor inertial barrier inflict pain intellect fortress lend health levitation mental barrier mind thrust project force psionic blast psychic crush psychic drain psychic healing share strength thought shield ultrablast wrath of god feeblemind spiritwrack wither lore hex animate dead dark ritual bark skin moonray sunray prayer frenzy mass heal mass power heal mass sanctuary globe of invulnerability firestorm meteor storm bless weapon recharge item possession demon flames steal strength infernal fury abyssal hand steal soul summon demon fear deter astral sidestep gaias warning resist magic summon avatar breathe water resist heat resist cold resist lightning resist acid hellfire fury of nature chaos blast detect curse slow stabilise steam breath pyro rune cryo rune bolt rune stab rune rend rune mending rune cure rune ward rune acid blast fly starve parch inebriate glaciation conflagration flood confusion psychometry nausea freedom fleshrot regenerate possession release clairvoyance If you have any questions about area writing, please contact any of the immortals on the DD4 Discord server at https://discord.gg/aGzmAWmXYb (preferred) or email the team at dragonsdomainteam@gmail.com For area-building itself, we recommend the resources listed on our website under the "BUILDING" heading, which is kept current: https://dragons-domain.org/ ----------------------------DD4 Administrator Section----------------------- === Booting and Testing Areas When the DD4 server starts, it reads a file named 'area.lst' in the current directory. This file contains a list of all the area files to read in. To add or delete areas, simply edit area.lst. The server reads all of the area files into memory once at load time and then closes them. Thus you can edit area files while the server is running. Changes will take effect the next time the server boots. Because the server is completely memory-based, zone resets are fast. You can test areas by running a local install of the MUD, which can be obtained from https://github.com/fromage-fraser/dd4 Instructions on how to do this can be obtained from that location. The server reports syntax errors, including the area file name and a line number. Take the line number with a grain of salt; some kinds of errors cause the server to run on for quite a few lines before ultimately detecting the error. The server also reports semantic errors, such as references to non-existent mobiles, objects, or rooms. The server exits after reporting any error. DD4 takes only a few seconds to load, however, so it's quite practical to use the whole server as a syntax checker. === Compressing the Area Files It is possible to run DD4 with a single combined, compressed area file. I mean, don't? But you COULD. Here's how to do this on a *nix system: (1) In 'area.lst', remove the last line (the '$' line). (2) Execute the command: cat `cat area.lst` | compress > all_area.Z (3) Edit 'area.lst' again. Insert a '-' at the beginning of every line. Do not put any spaces between the '-' and the file name. Put the last '$' line back at the end of the file. (4) Edit 'start_dd4'. Change the line: ../src/dd4 $port >&! $logfile to: zcat all_area.Z | ../src/dd4 $port >&! $logfile (5) Test the changes so far. DD4 should start up normally, although it may take a few seconds longer to zcat everything. Now you can remove all the original *.are files. Notice that all of the compression and decompression takes place outside of the DD4 server. Thus, you can substitute any archiving program of your choice, as long as it can write its output to standard output. You can recover the original areas simply by running 'uncompress all_area.Z' and dissecting them out of all_area. From the server's point of view, when an area file name starts with '-', it simply reads standard input for the area, terminating at '#$' as usual (but without closing standard input). Diagnostic messages are given with the full name (e.g. '-arachnos.are'), but the line number will be reported as zero. You can freely mix areas from standard input with ordinary area files. Thus, you could compress all the DD4 standard zones into a file such as dd4_area.Z, prefixing them with '-' in 'area.lst'. Then you could add your own areas anywhere in the file (beginning, middle, end, wherever your areas need to go), and omit the '-' on the lines for your areas. The server will take a little longer to load with compressed area files, because 'zcat' needs time to run. This is offset by a reduction in time spent opening disk files. After loading, the server has all of the area database in memory and never rereads the files. Thus, there is zero performance impact on server operation after loading. === Memory Usage In order to simplify the code, the EnvyMud server has a fixed maximum size on strings in the area database. This size is defined at the beginning of 'db.c' 'db.c' with a '#define' statement. As of the last update of this document, the size is: #define MAX_STRING 6000000 Right now we're using about 5400000 bytes, so you couldadd a few more areas without touching the server at all. The server will tell you when the string table overflows, and you can simply increase the maximum limit and recompile. The immortal 'memory' command will show you memory usage from within the game. There is no other limit on area sizes or memory usage. We decided to use a fixed size because it simplifies our job. It also allows significant performance improvements.