DD FAQ: Section 4

Skills and Attributes

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DD contains a heavily revised training system for the improvement of skills and attributes. A good understanding of how it functions, and wise spending of practice points, can speed low-level character development and improve scores and the acquirement of powerful skills.

[4.1]  How does the training/practicing system work?

When a character levels, she gains two types of practice points that can be spent on training skills: 'physical pracs' and 'intellectual pracs' (shown on your SCORE sheet). The number of each type of prac you gain depends on your class, and some of your attribute scores; you may also gain a bonus point if your prime attribute is very high [see FAQ 4.6 and FAQ 4.9].

Special mobs known as 'trainers' are scattered throughout the MUD. To gain skills, you must find a trainer that can teach you the skill that you wish to learn [see FAQ 4.3]. Trainers are variously talented, so that low level trainers will not be able to train your skills very high, and may not be able to train the skill you want. You must be patient!

To train, you must have practice points and get a trainer to teach you. You do not automatically gain new skills as you level. Many skills are also pre-requisites for other skills, and you must be high enough in level to be able to train any given skill. Type PRACTICE to see what skills you have, and which skills you may train. You may also ask your trainer for ADVICE. Some skills will require a physical prac, others an intellectual prac; it is usually obvious what sort of practice point is required.

Practice points can not be carried over to your next level. When you raise a level, any physical and intellectual pracs that you have already are turned into hit points and mana, respectively.

Training your attributes (strength, intelligence, etc) occurs automatically every two levels of experience (2, 4, 6...). Use the TRAIN command to select which attribute you wish to improve the next time you level. Your prime attribute is trained by default [see FAQ 4.10]. If the attribute you specifiy is at its maximum, then an attempt to raise a random attribute is made. A '+' symbol appears next to your attribute scores (on your SCORE sheet) when your maximum natural scores have been reached.

See online help entries for TRAIN, PRACTICE, TEACHER and ADVICE.

[4.2]  What do I need to get skill X?

Try asking your trainer for ADVICE. Broadly speaking, the more powerful skill X sounds, the higher your level must be, and it is likely that you'll need to have pre-requisite skills developed to a good percentage. It is generally obvious what skills are pre-requisites for others, but if you find yourself at a loss to explain why you don't have a skill available to you, then you most likely need to train some known skills higher (often to 90-95% in order to gain very powerful skills).

Your intelligence limits the percentage your skills may be trained to, so characters of less intelligent races may not be able to learn the most powerful skills for some classes (Giant Mages do poorly).

Many players are happy to give you advice, too, so it doesn't hurt to ask if you're really stuck. Don't expect Immortals to tell you what pre-reqs you need.

[4.3]  Where do I find my trainer?

Try "HELP TEACHER CLUES". Also consider whether a trainer for another class can provide you with the skill you need.

If you are under level 10, then use the MUD School trainer. After that, train at your Guildhall in Midgaard until level 15. There is no Ranger Guild in Midgaard; but there is someone lurking in a less than reputable establishment to help out young Foresters.

[4.4]  Why can't my trainer teach me skill X?

You are either not high enough in level, or your trainer can't teach the skill you want, or your trainer can't improve on the knowledge that you already have for that skill, or you lack the correct practice points (physical versus intellectual).

Double check that you can learn skill X by typing PRACTICE at the trainer. Many trainers are not capable of training all of the skills available to your class at your level; you may need to visit more than one trainer at times to get the skills you want.

[4.5]  What's this skill 'reserved'?

It's a bug, but pretty harmless. You're probably not missing out on any other skills. Don't waste a practice point on it: tell an Immortal.

[4.6]  How many practice points can I get per level?

You get a minimum of 1 physical and 1 intellectual prac per level. You get bonus physical pracs as you increase your strength, dexterity and wisdom. You get bonus intellectual pracs as you increase your wisdom and intelligence, and if you are a spellcaster. If your prime attribute [see FAQ 4.9] is very high, you get a bonus physical prac if it is strength, dexterity or constitution, otherwise a bonus intellectual prac. The maximum number of each prac you can gain is effectively 5.

You can sometimes be awarded physical pracs for completing random quests (see Section 5).

[4.7]  I have skill X at 100%, but why does it sometimes fail?

The percentage values of your skills should not be interpreted as 'chance of success' but as 'completeness of understanding'. Having a skill at 100% really means that you have attained complete proficiency in performing that skill: you have learned 100% of all that can be learned. Almost every skill has an inherent chance of failure; if you have a skill at 100%, this chance is very low. Also, if you are targetting another creature with a skill or spell, adjustments to your chance of success may be made due to your repective levels.

[4.8]  What order should I train my attributes?

There are various opinions on strategies for characters' training and practicing. Many players don't like to spend practice points on skills while their characters are low level, prefering the extra hit points and mana instead. It is generally true that training skills can happily be put off during the earliest levels: you can quickly recover skill percentages with more powerful trainers later on.

The strategy for training attributes is generally agreed upon: you should concentrate on increasing your wisdom and constitution as you level. Training constitution first is wisest, giving you higher hit point bonuses as you level; this is fairly important if you are a fighting class or want to become a pkiller. Improving your wisdom increases the number of practice points you gain when you level. Intelligence, dexterity and strength can then be trained, in whichever order you prefer. Fighting classes will want to train dexterity and strength first; spellcasters will want to increase their intelligence.

[4.9]  What is my prime attribute?

Your prime attribute is the physical or mental quality that defines your character above all others. Your class determines your prime attribute:

Base classes Sub-classes
Mage Int Necromancer Wis
Warlock Str
Cleric Wis Templar Str
Druid Int
Thief Dex Ninja Con
Bounty Hunter Str
Warrior Str Thug Con
Knight Wis
Psionic Wis Satanist Str
Witch Int
Shapeshifter Con Werewolf Str
Vampire Int
Brawler Dex Monk Wis
Martial Artist Str
Ranger Dex Barbarian Str
Bard Dex

Section 3. DD Basics
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Section 5. Questing and Fame